What is the first method called in the iOS App initialisation flow? & what is the return type?
Which of the following is Singleton class?
Note : Answer is written in Bold.
- Main, , Return the is void.
- App Delegate, Return type is Bool
- UIApplicationMain, Return type is Bool
- Main, Return type is int.
What is the parent class of App Delegate?
- UIResponder
- NSObject
- UIApplicationMain
- UIKit
What is the difference between [Foo new] and [[Foo alloc] init]?
- New will not always initialize the object.
- New is significantly faster than alloc + init.
- None, they perform the same actions.
- New does not exist in Objective-C.
What happens at runtime with the following :
NSObject *obj1 = nil;
NSObject *obj2 = [obj1 copy];
NSLog(@"value of object 2 %@",obj2);
- Application crashes with “SIGABRT”
- Application continues, but issues “cannot access nil object reference” warning
- Object 2 is instantiated as an NSObject with nil Values
- Log prints “(null)” and continues as usual
What is the object.toString equivalent in Objective-C?
- [NSObject toString];
- [NSObject description];
- [NSObject stringWithFormat];
- [NSObject getDescription];
The format for a NSPredicate is the same as a Regular Expression
- True
- False
What can happen if you use “self” inside a block?
What is @dynamic directive meaning in iOS?
- None of the above.
- Self can become dangling pointer.
- You can create a retain cycle.
- By the time the block executes, self can be pointing to a different object[NSObject toString]
What is @dynamic directive meaning in iOS?
- The @dynamic directive generates the accessor methods for you at compile time.
- The @dynamic directive tells the compiler that you will provide accessor methods dynamically at runtime.
- The @dynamic directive generates a getter method for your property at compile time.
- The @dynamic directive generates a getter method for your property at run time.
You can use %@ to specify a dynamic property
- True
- False
What is difference between #import and #include?
- #import ensures that a file is only ever included once, and #include allows the same thing.
- None, they do the same thing.
- #include is not valid syntax.
- #include ensures that a file is only ever included once and #import permits the file to be included many times.
A UIView is a superclass of:
- UIViewController
- UIWindow
- UIImage
- UILabel
- UIScreen
A method and a variable can have the same name in Objective C.
- True
- False
What framework is KVO (Key Value Observing) a part of?
- Foundation
- UIKit
- CoreData
- UIKItCore
What class method is used to make an NSArray from NSData class?
- NSArray arrayWithObject:
- NSArray dataWithContentsOfFile:
- NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:
- NSKeydUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:
In Core Data, what is the name of the object representation for the database schema?
- NSManageObjectContext
- NSManagedObjectModel
- NSEntityDescription
- NSManagedObject
What’s the difference between “nil” and “NULL” ?
- nil is a literal null value for Objective-C instances. NULL is object used to represent null.
- nil is a literal null value for Objective-C instances. NULL is literal null value for Objective-C classes.
- Nil is a literal null value for Objective-C instances. NULL is literal null value for C pointers.
- NULL is literal null value for Objective-C instances. Nil is literal null value for C pointers
- they are the same thing
Which of the following is Singleton class?
- NSFileManager
- UIApplication
- NSFileManger & UIApplication
- NSArray & NSDictionary
- NSString & NSOperations
What is the output of the below program?
NSMutableString *tempString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"1"];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[tempString appendString:@"2"];
[tempString appendString:@"3"];
- Log prints “13” & “132” and continues as usual.
- Log prints “12” and then we will have a deadlock here because the main queue will block.
- Log prints “123” and continues as usual.
- Log doesn’t print anything. It’s deadlock here because the main queue will block on the call to dispatch_async.
What is the output of the below program?
NSMutableString *tempString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"1"];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[tempString appendString:@"2"];
[tempString appendString:@"3"];
- Log prints “13” & “132” and continues as usual.
- Log prints “12” and then we will have a deadlock here because the main queue will block.
- Log prints “123” and continues as usual.
- Log doesn’t print anything. It’s deadlock here because the main queue will block on the call to dispatch_async.
What is used to sort Core Data results?
- NSSort
- NSCoreDataSort
- [self sort]
- NSSortDescriptor
- NSPredicate
Note : Answer is written in Bold.