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What are collection types in objective C and Swift?

Ans : 

In  iOS, there are 3 collection types

i. Array 
ii. Dictionary 
iii. Set.

There are two types of collection types. Mutable and Immutable. Mutable can be changed but immutable can not be changed once initialised.

Q. How to check nil keys in dictionary?
A. There is not any nil keys in dictionary.

Determine index of one integer in another integer - online programming question

Problem Description : Determine index of one integer in another integer

i.e If input A = 23,B = 1472367 then Output : 3 . Because '23' is 3rd index in '1472367'.

Asked in Company : Futurescape Technologies Pvt Ltd  via

Ans : 

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// you can also use other imports, for example:
// #import <SomeLibrary/SomeFile.h>

// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// printf("this is a debug message\n");

int solution(int A, int B) {
    // write your code in Objective-C 2.0
    NSString *strA = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",A];
    NSString *strB = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",B];
   NSRange range =   [strB rangeOfString:strA];
   if(range.location == NSNotFound)
   return -1;
   return range.location;

Do you like to use storyboard? Why? Can more than 1 storyboard allowed?

Ans : I like to use storyboard.

I am using storyboard due to advantage over XIB : See here

Yes, we can use more than 1 storyboard. We can make different storyboard for different features in same project.

Navigating from one storyboard to another storyboard :

1. Using segue :

  • Drag & Drop storyboard reference
  • Give name and assign viewcontroller (to which we want to navigate)
  • Give segue from viewcontroller to storyboard reference.
2. Using coding :

var anotherStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "another", bundle: nil)
var vc: UIViewController = anotherStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "loginView")
present(vc, animated: false)

What is multiplier and ratio in auto layout in ios?

Ans :

Difference between Multiplier and Ratio : 

There is not any difference. Both are using for same purpose.

The Aspect Ratio is really just a convenient way to express the Multiplier when working in Interface Builder. It effectively gets "converted" to a multiplier.

You can confirm this while debugging by inspecting the constraint's .multiplier property. If you set a view's width to 60, and multiplier to 1:2 (resulting in an auto-layout height of 120), the actual value of .multiplier will be 0.5.

So, in my view, it depends on what feels more natural.

If I want a view to be 90% of the width of another view, I am much more likely to set the Multiplier to 0.9 --- which gives the exact same result as setting it to 9:10.

However, if I want a view to maintain an aspect ration of, say, 3-to-2, I am much more likely to set the Multiplier to 3:2 rather than 1.5.

Using a ratio can also be convenient when you have "non-simple" values. That is, it's easy to understand that a ratio of 3:2 is the same as 1.5. But what if I have an image with native size of 281 x 60, and I want to use those values to maintain ratio? 281:60 is easier to understand than .multiplier = 4.68333339691162.

And, while they are interchangeable, it is probably a bit more intuitive to use Ratio when constraining an object to itself - e.g. I want my view's width to be 2 x its own height, so 2:1 - and using Multiplier when constraining one object to another - e.g. I want my view's width to be 75% of the width of its superview, so 0.75.

Difference between nil, NIL and null

Ans : 

The difference is that while
NULL represents zero for any pointer,
nil is specific to objects (e.g., id) and
Nil is specific to class pointers.

Nil,Null and nil are used with below
1> Nil for Objective c Class
2> nil for Objective c object
3> Null for C pointer
1>Class A=Nil;
2>NSString strName=nil;
3>char *pointerChar = NULL;

OOPS Concept in iOS

Ans :  OOPS Concepts are mostly same in all language. Their working are same but conditions are different.

1.      Inheritance : It allows a class to be defined that has a certain set of characteristics(methods and variables) and then other classes to be created which are derived from that class. The derived class inherits all of the features of the parent class and typically then adds some features of its own.

2.      Encapsulation : That binds data and functions together and keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse. Data encapsulation’s benefit of data hiding.

Data encapsulation is a mechanism of bundling the data and the functions that use them.

Data abstraction is a mechanism of exposing only the interface and hiding the implementation details from the user.

3. Polymorphism : Difference process depends on type. The method to be invoked is determined at runtime based on the type of the object. It is like override and overload.

Override : Different class, same method name with signature. It is also called runtime or dynamic polymorphism.

Overload : Same class, method name same with Different parameter. It is also called compile-time or static polymorphism. 

‌Which method is called first when app start?

Ans :

According to apple doc,

  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{}
gets called before
  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{}

Why array method containObject has id as parameter in ios?

Ans : id is a generic type. This means that the compiler will expect any object type there, and will not enforce restrictions. It can be useful if you're expecting to use more than one class of objects there. So you can add anything of type id to an NSArray.

So array method containObject has id type as parameter.

- (BOOL)containsObject:(ObjectType)anObject;

Usage :

bool bVal = [arr containObject:@5];

Difference between blocks and completion handler in iOS

Ans :


Blocks are a language-level feature added to C, Objective-C and C++, which allow you to create distinct segments of code that can be passed around to methods or functions as if they were values. Blocks are Objective-C objects, which means they can be added to collections like NSArray or NSDictionary.

They can be executed in a later time, and not when the code of the scope they have been implemented is being executed.
Their usage leads eventually to a much cleaner and tidier code writing, as they can be used instead of delegate methods, written just in one place and not spread to many files.
Syntax: ReturnType (^blockName)(Parameters)

see example:

int anInteger = 42;

void (^testBlock)(void) = ^{

    NSLog(@"Integer is: %i", anInteger);   // anInteger outside variables


// calling blocks like
Block with argument:

double (^multiplyTwoValues)(double, double) =

                          ^(double firstValue, double secondValue) {

                              return firstValue * secondValue;

// calling with parameter
double result = multiplyTwoValues(2,4);

NSLog(@"The result is %f", result);

Completion handler:
Whereas completion handler is a way (technique) for implementing callback functionality using blocks.
A completion handler is nothing more than a simple block declaration passed as a parameter to a method that needs to make a callback at a later time.
Note: completion handler should always be the last parameter in a method. A method can have as many arguments as you want, but always have the completion handler as the last argument in the parameters list.
- (void)beginTaskWithName:(NSString *)name completion:(void(^)(void))callback;
// calling
[self beginTaskWithName:@"MyTask" completion:^{
    NSLog(@"Task completed ..");
More example with UIKit classes methods.

[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:^{
        NSLog(@"xyz View Controller presented ..");
        // Other code related to view controller presentation...
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5
                         // Animation-related code here...
                         [self.view setAlpha:0.5];
                     completion:^(BOOL finished) {
                         // Any completion handler related code here...
                         NSLog(@"Animation over..");

Why tableview cell separator leave some space before?

Ans : 

Alternatively, you can also edit this in interface builder (IB):
  1. Go to IB.
  2. Select Table View.
  3. Open "Attribute Inspector" on the right.
  4. Change "Separator Insets" from Default to Custom.
  5. Change the "Left" attribute from 15 to 0.
15 is default. So Left side space is seen before cell seperator.