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Showing posts with label MVC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MVC. Show all posts

MVC in iOS

Ans : The main goal of MVC pattern is separate data/logic, view and controller. There are 3 layers.

1. Model : Models are representation of your app's data. There is user class or struct. So it has fields like name, birthdate, etc. It is data reside in Model layer.

2. View : It is object which user can see and interact with. UILabel showing text is one kind of view.

3. Controller : Controller mediates between Model and View. It takes data from model and show on views and also update model when user interacts with view.

File Structure :

MVC File Structure

Understand MVC using UITableView

Explain MVC through implementation of UITableView

Ans :

Read first about MVC

Let's understand to implement UITableview in MVC

1. We write fetching data query or request web-service and parse json,xml and save data to any global variable like dictionary, array, etc. So all inserting, fetching methods and data variable are comes under M.....Model

2. We make custom tableview cell, and put various types of views like UILabel, UITextField, UIButton for displaying in UITableView on screen. So this comes under V....View.

3. For displaying TableView, we will take UIVIewController or UITableviewController. This are responsible for various activity like telling how many section, rows are there, on delete button deleting row, how much height of cell, etc... So this comes under C....Controller.