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Showing posts with label India Infoline. Show all posts

Difference between viewdidload and viewwillappear?

Ans : 

ViewDidLoad - It is excecuted once. So writer settings like set label text in ViewDidLoad.
ViewWillAppear - It is called every time when view appear.

ViewDidLoad - It is called when view is begin constructed.
ViewWillAppear - When view is about ready to appear.

ViewDidLoad It is automatically called when view controller completely loaded into memory. Override this method to perform additional initialization on views that were loaded from xib.
I.e instance variable initialization, database access, network request
ViewWillAppear It is called when View is about to added on view hierachy. If we want to change some, then we have to override this method.Like change orientation, change screen data.

Suppose your tableview data will be changed periodically. Then you have to write [tableview reloaddata] in ViewWillApper.

Read UIViewController LifeCycle

Difference between Strong and Weak in iOS

Ans : 

strong property means that you want to “own” the object. Only when you set the property to nil will the object be  destroyed. Unless one or more objects also have a strong reference to the object. This is the one you will use in most cases.
  1. Creates ownership between property and assigned value.
  1. This is default for object property in ARC so it does not let you worrying about reference count and release the reference automatically.
  1. It is replacement for retain. We use if and only if we need to use as retain.
  1. Retain count will be incremented.
  1. Creates non-ownerships between property and assigned value.
  1. Strong is used on parent object and weak is used on child object when parent is released then child object reference is also set to nil
  1. It helps to prevents retain cycles.
  1. It doesn’t protect the referenced object when collection by garbage collector.
  1. Weak is essentially assigned, un-retain property.
  1. Retain count will not be incremented.

Weak property means you don’t want to have control over the objects lifecycle. The object only lives on while another objects has a strong reference to it. If there are no strong references to the object then it will be destroyed. 
Weak reference is useful to avoid situation like retain cycle. Retain cycle occurs when two or more objects have strong reference to each other. This two object will never be freed in memory due to strong reference. So to avoid weak reference, One object has a strong ownership reference to another object, and another object should be have a weak reference to first object.

Strong references should be used when a parent object is referencing a child object and never the other way around. That is, a child class should not have a strong reference to the parent class.

Weak references should be used to avoid retain cycles and an object has the possibility to become nil at any point of it’s lifetime.

Good read : Click here

Difference between the atomic and nonatomic attributes?

Ans : 

Atomic property give guarantee that valid value will be return. But valid does not mean that correct value.

This also not mean that atomic property are thread safe. Different threads can attempt to read and write value at same time. So one of two value will be return - value before change or changed value.

So atomic property is suffering from performance hit due to locking and unlocking before and after get or set value.

Non atomic property has no guarantee regarding correct value, a partially correct value or may be garbage value.
This is not thread safe this enhanced speed of access property.

Atomic property lock while setting value,

While non atomic property does not lock while setting value. 

ARC - Automatic Reference Counting

Ans : Automatic Reference Counting is memory management feature in iOS that provides automatic referencing counting system. According to attribute type of property like retain and release, it increment and decrements reference count at runtime.

ARC is does not handle reference cycle automatically. 

Unlike garbage collection, ARC does not handle reference cycles automatically.

Default property attributes : 

i> Memory management : strong  weak  copy  assign 
ii> Thread Safety : atomic nonatomic
iii> Mutability : readwrite readonly

@property (strong, atomic, readwrite) NSArray *name;

For IBOutlet,

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *label;

@property (weak) IBOutlet UILabel *instructions;
In 2015, apple recommend to use Strong.

To stop retain cycle, user should mention weak reference when needed.

Q : What is retain?
A.Retain works same as Strong according to apple document. If we assign retain, it will convert to strong or consider as Strong. 

Read : Difference between Strong and Weak attribute

Difference between == and ===

Ans :  == checks equality and === checks identity. == check value of left side and right side are same or not. === check left side object and right side object point to same memory or not.

== used against int, float, string (value type) and === used against reference type (class type).


class SomeClass {
var a: Int;

init(_ a: Int) {
    self.a = a


var someClass1 = SomeClass(4)
var someClass2 = SomeClass(4)
someClass1 === someClass2 // false
someClass2 = someClass1
someClass1 === someClass2 // true

How to find current location?

Ans : 

Framework : MapKit
Class : CLLocationManager
Delegate : CLLocationManagerDelegate

Write NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and also its description in info.plist file.

Code :

@IBAction func setCurrentLocation(sender: AnyObject) {
        if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
            locationManager.delegate = self
            locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest

            if self.locationManager.respondsToSelector(#selector(CLLocationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization)) {
                locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() // request for authorisation for first time when app open
            } else {

 //Updated location

    func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {

//Get last updated location(current)

        let location = locations.last! as CLLocation

        let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude)

        let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: center, span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.20, longitudeDelta: 0.20))

//Set region of current location in map view with zooming

        self.mpView.setRegion(region, animated: true)

//Show current location (blue dot) on map
        self.mpView.showsUserLocation = true


UIViewcontroller Lifecycle

Ans : A view controller manages set of views and making user interface. It will coordinate with data and other controller. Views are automatically loaded when view property is accessed in the app.
Following methods are used to mange view controller's view.

1. LoadView : It is automatically called when it's view property is accessed. It loads or create a view and assigned to property.

2. ViewDidLoad : It is automatically called when view controller completely loaded into memory. Override this method to perform additional initialization on views that were loaded from xib.
I.e instance variable initialization, database access, network request

Event Management to Views :

1. ViewWillAppear : It is called when View is about to added on view hierachy. If we want to change some, then we have to override this method.
Like change orientation, change screen data

2. ViewDidAppear : It is called when view was added on view's hierachy.
When we need to display loader, start UI animation ,then override this method.

3. ViewWillDisAppear : It is called when view is about to removed from hierachy. We can hide keyboard,  commit changes ,revert changes in this method by overriding.

4. ViewDidDisappear : It is called when view is removed from hierachy. We can remove cache data in this method.

Memmory Management method :
1. didReceiveMemoryWarning :
It is called automatically when system determine that the system has low amount of available memory.
Override this method remove not essential data from memory.

Ordering of excecuting methods :

1. Init(coder:)
2. (void)loadView
3. (void)viewDidLoad
4. (void)viewWillAppear
5. (void)viewDidAppear
6. (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
7. (void)viewWillDisappear
8. (void)viewDidDisappear

Difference between frames and bounds.

Ans : 

Frame :  View's location and size using the parent view's coordinate system
Needed while placing the view in the parent

bounds = View's location and size using its own coordinate system
Needed while placing the view's content or subviews within itself

The bounds of an UIView is the rectangle, expressed as a location (x,y) and size (width,height) relative to its own coordinate system (0,0).

The frame of an UIView is the rectangle, expressed as a location (x,y) and size (width,height) relative to the superview it is contained within.

So, imagine a view that has a size of  50x50 (width x height) positioned at 15,15 (x,y) of its superview. The following code prints out this view's bounds and frame:

NSLog(@"bounds.origin.x: %f", label.bounds.origin.x);
NSLog(@"bounds.origin.y: %f", label.bounds.origin.y);
NSLog(@"bounds.size.width: %f", label.bounds.size.width);
NSLog(@"bounds.size.height: %f", label.bounds.size.height);

NSLog(@"frame.origin.x: %f", label.frame.origin.x);
NSLog(@"frame.origin.y: %f", label.frame.origin.y);
NSLog(@"frame.size.width: %f", label.frame.size.width);
NSLog(@"frame.size.height: %f", label.frame.size.height);

Output : 

bounds.origin.x: 0
bounds.origin.y: 0
bounds.size.width: 50
bounds.size.height: 50

frame.origin.x: 15
frame.origin.y: 15
frame.size.width: 50
frame.size.height: 50

So, we can see that in both cases, the width and the height of the view is the same regardless of whether we are looking at the bounds or frame. What is different is the x,y positioning of the view. In the case of the bounds, the x and y coordinates are at 0,0 as these coordinates are relative to the view itself. However, the frame x and y coordinates are relative to the position of the view within the parent view (which earlier we said was at 25,25).

For more understanding : Visit this