Ans :
Copy from Apple Developer Site : Link
Copy from Apple Developer Site : Link
Managing Editing
func text Field Should Begin Editing(UIText Field) -> Bool
Asks the delegate if editing should begin in the specified text field.
func text Field Did Begin Editing(UIText Field)
Tells the delegate that editing began in the specified text field.
func text Field Should End Editing(UIText Field) -> Bool
Asks the delegate if editing should stop in the specified text field.
func text Field Did End Editing(UIText Field, reason: UIText Field .Did End Editing Reason)
Tells the delegate that editing stopped for the specified text field.
func text Field Did End Editing(UIText Field)
Tells the delegate that editing stopped for the specified text field.
enum UIText Field .Did End Editing Reason
Constants indicating the reason why editing ended in a text field.
Editing the Text Field’s Text
func text Field(UIText Field, should Change Characters In: NSRange, replacement String: String) -> Bool
Asks the delegate if the specified text should be changed.
func text Field Should Clear(UIText Field) -> Bool
Asks the delegate if the text field’s current contents should be removed.
func text Field Should Return(UIText Field) -> Bool
Asks the delegate if the text field should process the pressing of the return button.