Location : Pune
Month : Feb, 2020
Comment answer in comment box, if you know any...
Month : Feb, 2020
Experience : 5+ Years
Screening :
Screening :
- Difference between struct and class?
- Access modifiers in Swift.
- Features that is in Swift but not in Objective C.
- Different task available in NSURLSession?
- What are content hugging and resistance priority?
- How to get value from optional?
- Difference between struct and class.
- Is it possible to declare array with nil like [1,2,3,nil,5,6]
- How to do sum of above array using higher ordered function? Write program for that.
- Can you write singleton class in swift?
- What are access specifier in swift? Which one is default access specifier?
- Difference between Open and Public.
- How to use pass by reference as parameter of function?
- What is subscript?
- Can you define closure, which take string, return integer, count characters and return count?
- What is closure?
- Can I replace closure in place of function or function in place of closure?
- Difference between closure and function? Can I pass function as parameter of another function?
- Why swift is considered as protocol oriented language? What are new features in protocol due to swift considered as Protocol oriented language?
- Write a code for calling rest api to fetch data from api using NSURLSession and for Codable protocol confirmed struct?
- What is protocol extension?
- What is property observer?
- What is design patterns? How many types of design patterns are there?
- Difference between encapsulation and abstraction.
- Difference between objective c and swift protocol
- How to write unit testing code in Xcode?
- What is generics? Write a program to make and use generics.
- Make different design for portrait and landscape in Xcode.
- What are new features in swift 5?
- What is ABI Stability?
- What is app thinning and why it has more power in new swift 5?
- What are source, version, binary type compatibility?
- Is there possibility for interoperability between objective c and swift? What are things which are not interoperable between swift and objective c?
- What is bridging header?
- Is it possible to code written in swift is interoperable in objective c?
- Have you worked with dependancy manger, Carthage, cocoa pods?
- When we use pod deinit?
- What will happened if I delete pod.lock file?
- How to upload framework to cocoa pods?
- Which cocoa pods version you are using?
- Which access modifier you will use if you want to expose methods to different module? -Open, Public
- Difference between public or open?
- What is internal access specifier?
- How to use decoder and encoder ? How to map your model class struct with json data?
- Is it mandatory keep name of your struct para name same as json data?
- Can we declare optional methods in swift protocol? That protocol can be used for classes and structure both?
- Is objective-C support struct?
- What is SSL pinning?
- Can we store object in user default?
- What are best way to implement if large data is coming from core data and show data on tableview?
- Difference between collection view and tableview?
- What are different delegate and datasource for UICollectionView?
- Is ARC for swift or iOS?
- Is outlet should be weak or strong?
- What is capturelist in closure? Why to need mention [weak self] in closure?
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