Location: Online
Date: June 2023
Date: June 2023
- Explain Solid Principles.
- Different design patterns in iOS.
- Protocol related questions.
- Git commands - Ans-1 Ans-2
- Explain access specifiers or access control in iOS.
- Explain various higher order functions.
- Explain if let.
- Explain guard let.
- Explain defer keyword.
- Explain closure.
- Explain generics.
- Explain static and class keywords.
- Explain final keyword.
- Explain push notification in iOS.
- Explain SSL Pinning.
- How we can keep network logs debugging while developing iOS application?
- What are security checklist while developing the iOS banking applications? Ans-1 Ans-2
- Memory management or ARC in iOS.
- Extension in Swift.
- How to manage concurrency in iOS? Old Way- GCD, NSOperation New Way - Async/Await
- How can you write test script for UI elements?
- How does CI/CD works? Do you have any experience of using CI/CD?
1. What is output of below code?
enum Test: Int {
case VeryOld = -1
case Old
case Current
case Future
let testEnum = Test.Current
print("testEnum.rawValue: \(testEnum.rawValue)")
2. Will below code be compiled or not? Why?
class MainClass {
func mainClassFunction() {
class SubClass: MainClass {
func subClassFunction() {
extension SubClass {
override func mainClassFunction() {
- How to mask/unmask account number in Accounts Journey? A: Using Masked property.
- How to hide the CreditCard column in the Accounts Screen? A: From Product api, we get many products. We can filter products. So in our case, we can remove credit card product from fetchedResult.
- Explain widget architecture in backbase.
- Explain journey architecture in backbase.
- How can I create custom journeys?
- What do you feel is the difference between normal iOS App and BackBase SDK integrated App? A: A "normal" iOS app is built entirely from scratch using Apple's iOS SDK, while a BackBase SDK integrated app uses the BackBase software development kit (SDK) alongside the native iOS tools, essentially providing a pre-built framework specifically designed for banking features, allowing developers to quickly create a mobile banking app with functionalities like account viewing, transfers, and payments without having to build every component from the ground up.
- Explain Backbase Omnichannel.
- How do you use Backbase Identity SDK for authentication?
- How will you transfer data from one widget to another widget?
- How journey can be integrated?
- How you handle navigation from custom journey to backbase journey and vice-versa?
- What security features does backbase provide?
- Journey based - Adopt related questions.
- Unit Testing/XCTestCase
- XcodeGen
- Pull Request (PR) review process
- Worked on any third party library or custom pods?
- Any analytics like google analytics.
- Crashlytics.
- Coding Standard best practises : Raywanderlich swift.org SwiftLint GitHub
- SonarQube
- Time complexity & Space complexity : Raywanderlich Medium LearnAppMaking
- Swift Performance of App : GitHub Medium1 Medium2
- Memory management : swift.org Medium1 Medium2
- Agile process
- Jira process
- Cocoapods
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