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Backbase iOS Interview Questions

Location: Online
Date: June 2023

  1. Explain Solid Principles.
  2. Different design patterns in iOS.
  3. Protocol related questions.
  4. Git commands - Ans-1   Ans-2
  5. Explain access specifiers or access control in iOS.
  6. Explain various higher order functions.
  7. Explain if let.
  8. Explain guard let.
  9. Explain defer keyword.
  10. Explain closure.
  11. Explain generics.
  12. Explain static and class keywords.
  13. Explain final keyword.
  14. Explain push notification in iOS.
  15. Explain SSL Pinning.
  16. How we can keep network logs debugging while developing iOS application?
  17. What are security checklist while developing the iOS banking applications? Ans-1 Ans-2
  18. Memory management or ARC in iOS.
  19. Extension in Swift.
  20. How to manage concurrency in iOS? Old Way- GCD, NSOperation   New Way - Async/Await
  21. How can you write test script for UI elements?
  22. How does CI/CD works? Do you have any experience of using CI/CD?


1. What is output of below code?

    enum Test: Int {

        case VeryOld = -1

        case Old

        case Current

        case Future



    let testEnum = Test.Current    

    print("testEnum.rawValue: \(testEnum.rawValue)")


2. Will below code be compiled or not? Why?

    class MainClass {

        func mainClassFunction() {




    class SubClass: MainClass {

        func subClassFunction() {




    extension SubClass {

        override func mainClassFunction() {





3.Write a function which returns the minimum, maximum, average banking transaction amount. How you can optimise those functions for execution time and in terms of memory allocation?


  1. How to mask/unmask account number in Accounts Journey? A: Using Masked property.
  2. How to hide the CreditCard column in the Accounts Screen? A: From Product api, we get many products. We can filter products. So in our case, we can remove credit card product from fetchedResult.
  3. Explain widget architecture in backbase.
  4. Explain journey architecture in backbase.
  5. How can I create custom journeys?
  6. What do you feel is the difference between normal iOS App and BackBase SDK integrated App? A: A "normal" iOS app is built entirely from scratch using Apple's iOS SDK, while a BackBase SDK integrated app uses the BackBase software development kit (SDK) alongside the native iOS tools, essentially providing a pre-built framework specifically designed for banking features, allowing developers to quickly create a mobile banking app with functionalities like account viewing, transfers, and payments without having to build every component from the ground up.
  7. Explain Backbase Omnichannel. 
  8. How do you use Backbase Identity SDK for authentication?
  9. How will you transfer data from one widget to another widget?
  10. How journey can be integrated?
  11. How you handle navigation from custom journey to backbase journey and vice-versa?
  12. What security features does backbase provide?
  13. Journey based - Adopt related questions.


  1. Unit Testing/XCTestCase 
  2. XcodeGen
  3. Pull Request (PR) review process
  4. Worked on any third party library or custom pods?
  5. Any analytics like google analytics.
  6. Crashlytics.
  7. Coding Standard best practises : Raywanderlich SwiftLint GitHub 
  8. SonarQube
  9. Time complexity & Space complexity : Raywanderlich  Medium  LearnAppMaking
  10. Swift Performance of App : GitHub    Medium1    Medium2
  11. Memory management  :   Medium1    Medium2
  12. Agile process
  13. Jira process
  14. Cocoapods

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