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How we can keep network logs debugging while developing iOS application?


Debugging network logs while developing an iOS application involves monitoring and analyzing the data sent and received during network communication. Here's a guide to effectively debug network logs:

1. Enable Networking Debugging in Your App

  • Use tools like URLSession with logging enabled:

    let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
    configuration.waitsForConnectivity = true configuration.networkServiceType = .default let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)
  • Add debug logging in URLSessionDelegate methods like:
    func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask
    didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
    if let error = error { print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("Task completed successfully") } }

2. Use Built-in Tools

  • OSLog Framework: Replace print with os_log for more structured logging:
    import os
    let log = OSLog(subsystem: "com.yourApp.networking", category: "network") os_log("Network Request: %@", log: log, type: .info, url.absoluteString)
  • Debug Navigator: Monitor real-time network activities in Xcode (View > Debug Navigator).

3. Advanced Logging with Libraries

  • Use Alamofire or Moya if using these frameworks for networking. They offer integrated logging capabilities:
    let session = Session(eventMonitors: [AlamofireLogger()])
  • Implement interceptors for custom logging:
    class NetworkLogger: EventMonitor {
    func requestDidFinish(_ request: Request) { print("Request: \(request.description)") } }

4. External Debugging Tools

  • Charles Proxy or Proxyman:
    • Install and configure to intercept HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
    • View detailed logs for requests and responses, including headers, payloads, and status codes.
  • Postman: Use it to replicate API calls outside the app for debugging server-side issues.

5. Check for Common Issues

  • Ensure proper timeout intervals in the URLSession configuration.
  • Handle network failures like no internet or server downtime gracefully.
  • Check HTTP status codes to verify server responses.

6. Debugging HTTPS (SSL/TLS)

  • Make sure your app supports SSL by checking certificates in the app.
  • Use tools like TrustKit for detailed SSL debugging.

7. Mock Responses

  • Use frameworks like OHHTTPStubs to mock responses during development:
    stub(condition: isHost("")) { _ in
    let stubData = "Mock response".data(using: .utf8)! return HTTPStubsResponse(data: stubData, statusCode: 200, headers: nil) }

8. Analyze Logs

  • Use formatted logging to differentiate types of logs (request vs. response).
  • Use tools like SwiftyBeaver or CocoaLumberjack for structured log management.

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